du 21 juin 2023 au 22 juin 2023
Publié le 25 août 2023 Mis à jour le 25 août 2023

Séminaire Djenabou BAYO


The percolating cluster is invisible to image recognition with deep learning

Mercredi 21 juin, 14h00, salle E 4.13 Hybride (jour exceptionnel)

Djenabou BAYO

LPTM Cergy et Department of Physics, University of Warwick,

The percolating cluster is invisible to image recognition with deep learning

Abstract: We study the two-dimensional site-percolation model on a square lattice. In this paradigmatic model, sites are randomly occupied with probability p; a second-order phase transition from a non-percolating to a fully percolating phase appears at occupation density pc, called percolation threshold.

Through supervised deep learning approaches like classification and regression, we show that standard convolutional neural networks (CNNs), known to work well in similar image recognition tasks, can identify pc and indeed classify the states of a percolation lattice according to their p content or predict their p value via regression. When using instead of p the spatial cluster correlation length xi as labels, the recognition is beginning to falter.

Finally, we show that the same network struggles to detect the presence of a spanning cluster. Rather, predictive power seems lost and the absence or presence of a global spanning cluster is not noticed by a CNN with local convolutional kernel. Since the existence of such a spanning cluster is at the heart of the percolation problem, our results suggest that CNNs require careful application when used in physics, particularly when encountering less-explored situations.