le 7 décembre 2023
Publié le 15 janvier 2025 Mis à jour le 15 janvier 2025

Séminaire Arkadiusz JEDRZEJEWSKI


Symmetric conformity functions make decision-making processes independent of the distribution of learning strategies 

Jeudi 7 décembre 2023, 14h00, salle E 4.13 Hybride


LPTM, CY Cergy Paris University

Symmetric conformity functions make decision-making processes independent of the distribution of learning strategies 

Making decisions is an integral part of human behaviour. In social situations, people may either adopt the behaviours of others or assess options on their own. These are two cognitive strategies known as social and individual learning. In the literature on decision making, social learning is modelled in the form of conformity functions that connect an individual’s probability of adopting a behaviour with its frequency. Generally, these functions may take either symmetric or non-symmetric forms. During my talk, I will present a simple yet general agent-based model of decision-making and explain the consequences of using either type of conformity function for the collective decision made by individuals. I will discuss the possible outcomes of the dynamics based either on fixed (quenched dynamics) or changing learning strategies (annealed dynamics). Finally, I will present a general formalism used to obtain analytical results in a well-mixed population, where individuals can interact with anyone without any constrains.

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