le 5 décembre 2023
Publié le 31 octobre 2023 Mis à jour le 8 novembre 2023

Séminaire Andrew URICHUK


Viscous GHD at low temperatures

Mardi 5 décembre 2023, 14h00, salle E 4.13 Hybride


LPTM, CY Cergy Paris University

Viscous GHD at low temperatures

The evolution of quantum integrable models is dictated by generalized hydrodynamics (GHD), which characterize an infinite number of hydrodynamic equations that evolve the charges. Euler-scale GHD is found to reduce to conventional hydrodynamics (CHD) when there is a single Fermi sea in the T=0 limit. The T=0 limit of GHD is known as zero entropy GHD and along with a splitting of Fermi seas describes integrable models in the T=0 limit. By considering GHD at small, but non-zero, temperatures the diffusive correction to these equations are characterized in an attempt to better understand the relationship between GHD and CHD. The low-temperature expansion for the diffusive kernel yields a leading order viscous term diffusive GHD and yields an identification between viscous GHD and conventional viscous hydrodynamics, written in a universal fashion by use of Luttinger liquid parameters

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