Workshop "Quantum Many-Body Physics in the presence of an environment"
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OpenQmbp 2022
This workshop aims at bringing together experimentalists and theorists working on open quantum-many-body systems, with a special focus on non-equilibrium dynamics and measurement transitions in interacting many-body systems.
- Quantum many-body Lindblad dynamics
- Measurement-induced transitions
- Quantum trajectories
- Open many-body physics with cold atoms and polaritons
- Non-Markovian dynamics
Important dates
Registration closes on Sunday, Mai 8, 2022.
The workshop takes place from the early afternoon of Tuesday, June 7, 2022, to the end of the afternoon of Thursday, June 9, 2022.
Andrea De Luca (CNRS, Cergy)
Jacopo De Nardis (Uni Cergy)
Leonardo Mazza (Uni Paris-Saclay)